
Departure time from Chandigarh



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Popular Airline Routes

Lucknow Airport Details

  • Address : Airport Director

Chandigarh Airport Details

  • Address : Airport Rd

Cheap flights from Chandigarh to Lucknow

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Flights from Chandigarh to Lucknow on

  • indigo



  • 01:10
  • 01h 15m Non Stop
  • 02:25
  • ₹ 3822
  • indigo



  • 01:50
  • 01h 15m Non Stop
  • 03:05
  • ₹ 3822

Book Chandigarh to Lucknow flight tickets with great discounts at cheapest airfare. Use the coupon code 'THALA07' and get up to 5000 off. Also, check cheapest return Lucknow to Chandigarh flights online with Cleartrip.

FAQ about Chandigarh to Lucknow Flights

  1. What is the lowest fare available for flights from Chandigarh to Lucknow departing today?

    The cheapest ticket available today is INR 3199 for a trip from Chandigarh to Lucknow.

  2. Are there any low-cost airlines available for travel between Chandigarh and Lucknow?

    Yes, several low-cost carriers, including IndiGo, offer reasonably priced flights between Chandigarh and Lucknow.

  3. What is the cheapest fare I can find for flights between Chandigarh and Lucknow within the next 30 days?

    Within the next 30 days, airfares between Chandigarh and Lucknow should be found for between 3199 and 3199. However, costs could change depending on the airline, when you book, and availability.

  4. What is the best deal I can get for Chandigarh to Lucknow flights within the next 90 days?

    The best airfares for flights from Chandigarh to Lucknow within the next ninety days may be between INR 3822 and INR 10015. However, real costs might differ based on airline, availability, and reservation time.

  5. Which month is the cheapest to fly to Lucknow?

    The cheapest month to fly to Lucknow from Chandigarh is between July to December.

Searching for cheap flights from Chandigarh to Lucknow? Cleartrip provides an easy and convenient way to purchase tickets. Flying from Chandigarh to Lucknow has always been challenging, whether you are planning a business trip or a relaxing vacation. Finding inexpensive flights that fit your schedule and budget is simple with Cleartrip's user-friendly interface and extensive search features. Compare costs, look into several airlines, and quickly get your tickets. Get the best deals on smooth travel from Chandigarh to Lucknow when you begin your trip with Cleartrip today.

Information About the Cheap Flight Options from Chandigarh to Lucknow

Today’s Lowest Fare

Today, INR 3199 is the lowest fare.

Lowest Fare within the next 30 days

INR 3822 is the lowest fare available for the next 30 days.

Lowest Fare within the next 90 days

INR 3822 is the lowest fare available for the next 90 days.

Offer code to get a cheap flight from Chandigarh to Lucknow

For flights between Chandigarh and Lucknow, use the promo code CTFLY to save up to INR 5000 on your next Cleartrip purchase.

Budget-Friendly Travel: 15 Strategies for Chandigarh to Lucknow Routes

Are you looking for a cheap flight from Chandigarh to Lucknow? Savvy tourists like you can save costs on your trip without sacrificing comfort or convenience by using these 15 valuable tips from Cleartrip.

  • Plan Ahead: Reserve your tickets well in advance to take advantage of the best prices. Cleartrip's fare comparison feature can help you discover the best deals.
  • Be Flexible with Dates: Change the dates of your trip to capitalise on off-peak periods, when prices are usually lower. Finding the best deals is made simple with Cleartrip's flexible date search feature.
  • Use Cleartrip Coupons: To save even more on your airline reservations, look for special Cleartrip coupons and deals.
  • Create Price Alerts: Use Cleartrip to create price alerts and stay updated on price changes. Receive notifications when fares drop, ensuring you snag the best deal.
  • Examine Connecting Flights: Compare the costs of direct and connecting flights to determine the most affordable choice. Cleartrip offers comprehensive flight information to support your decision-making.
  • Think About Red-Eye Flights: Because of their atypical departure times, red-eye flights frequently have cheaper fares. To save money, look into overnight flight options on Cleartrip.
  • Use Loyalty Programs: Use Cleartrip's loyalty rewards or frequent flyer programs to earn points and redeem discounts on subsequent bookings.
  • Bundle with Hotel Packages: Use Cleartrip's bundled packages to save money on your travel and hotel reservations. Get extra benefits and savings for an affordable trip.
  • Avoid Travelling with Excess Baggages: Reduce the amount of excess baggage you bring with you to avoid paying airline fees. Cleartrip provides information on baggage policies to help you pack wisely and save money.
  • Avoid Peak Travel Seasons: To avoid inflated fares, schedule your trip during off-peak seasons. The calendar view feature on Cleartrip lets you find the most affordable times to travel.
  • Use Cleartrip Wallet: Lower your total travel expenses by using Cleartrip Wallet to earn cashback that you can apply to future reservations.
  • Purchase Round-Trip Tickets: Purchasing round-trip tickets rather than one-way fares will help you save money. Cleartrip provides reasonable rates for round-trip travel on the Chandigarh to Lucknow route.
  • Follow Cleartrip on Social Media: To stay informed about the most recent sales and discounts on flights from Chandigarh to Lucknow, follow them on social media or sign up for their newsletter.
  • Check Cleartrip Prices: Lastly, before completing your final reservation, make sure to check Cleartrip prices. With its extensive search engine, Cleartrip guarantees that you will locate the most affordable flights for your trip from Chandigarh to Lucknow.

With Cleartrip's easy-to-use platform and these 15 tips, budget travel from Chandigarh to Lucknow has never been more straightforward. Make the most of Cleartrip's substantial resources and savings by beginning to plan your budget trip right now.

Find Budget-Friendly Chandigarh to Lucknow Flights with Cleartrip Booking

Are you trying to find cheap flights from Chandigarh to Lucknow? Cleartrip Booking is the only place to go for all of your travel needs. With our vast airline network and easy-to-use platform, finding cheap flights has always been challenging.

To ensure you get the best deal for your trip, Cleartrip Booking lets you search and compare prices from different airlines. We offer a variety of options to fit every budget so you can confidently book a leisure or business trip.
Our user-friendly interface makes finding the cheapest flight for your trip easy. You can filter results based on price, airline, and departure time. Plus, with our price comparison feature, you can rest assured that you're getting the lowest fare available.
When you book with Cleartrip, you also receive additional benefits, such as access to special offers and discounts. Look for exclusive deals and promotions to further reduce the cost of your Chandigarh to Lucknow airfare.
Take advantage of the low cost of airfare to visit Lucknow, a bustling city. With Cleartrip Booking, you can start organising your low-cost vacation right now and enjoy easy booking and fantastic flight discounts.

Quick Check-In Process for Chandigarh to Lucknow Flights on a Low Price

When flying from Chandigarh to Lucknow on a budget, a smooth and efficient check-in process can enhance your travel experience. Here are some tips for a quick check-in process without breaking the bank:

  1. Online Check-In: Most airlines offer online check-in options. These allow you to check in for your flight and select your seat from the comfort of your home or office, saving you time at the airport.
  2. Arrive Early: While budget airlines often have shorter check-in queues, it's still advisable to arrive at the airport well in advance to avoid any last-minute rush. Aim to arrive at least 2 hours before your scheduled departure time.
  3. Travel Light: To expedite the check-in process, travel with only carry-on luggage if possible. This eliminates the need to wait in line to drop off checked bags and allows you to proceed directly to security screening.
  4. Prepare Documents: Have your booking confirmation, identification, and any necessary travel documents readily available. This ensures a smooth check-in process without delays.
  5. Use Self-Service Kiosks: Many airports offer self-service kiosks for check-in. These kiosks allow you to print your boarding pass and tag your luggage, saving time compared to traditional check-in counters.
  6. Priority Check-In: Some airlines offer priority check-in services for travellers travelling in premium cabins or holding elite status. Consider upgrading or taking advantage of loyalty programs to access these benefits.

By following these tips, you can streamline the check-in process for your Chandigarh to Lucknow flight while enjoying affordable travel options. Look for low-price fares and special promotions to maximise your savings without compromising on convenience.

Steps to Track Flight Status and Schedule for Your Cheap Chandigarh to Lucknow Flights

Tracking the status and schedule of your Chandigarh to Lucknow flights is essential for a smooth travel experience. With Cleartrip, monitoring your flight's status and schedule is quick and easy. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Visit the Cleartrip Website: First, visit the Cleartrip website on your computer or mobile device. Cleartrip offers a user-friendly interface designed to make flight tracking simple and convenient.
  2. Enter Flight Details: Navigate to the flight status section on the Cleartrip website and enter your flight details, including the departure city (Chandigarh) and arrival city (Lucknow), as well as your travel dates.
  3. Select Your Flight: Cleartrip will display a list of available flights matching your search criteria. Choose your flight from the list to access more detailed information.
  4. View Flight Status: Once you've selected your flight, Cleartrip will provide real-time updates on the flight's status. You can check whether your flight is on time, delayed, or cancelled, allowing you to plan accordingly.
  5. Check Flight Schedule: In addition to tracking the status of your flight, Cleartrip also provides information on the flight's schedule. You can view departure and arrival times, as well as any scheduled layovers or stops along the way.
  6. Set Flight Alerts: To stay informed about any changes to your flight, consider setting up flight alerts on Cleartrip. You'll receive notifications via email or SMS regarding changes to your flight's status, ensuring you're always up to date.
  7. Monitor Multiple Flights: If you have connecting flights or are tracking flights for multiple travellers, Cleartrip allows you to monitor various flights simultaneously, making it easy to stay organised.

By following these steps, you can effectively track the status and schedule of your cheap Chandigarh to Lucknow flights on Cleartrip. With real-time updates and convenient features, Cleartrip helps ensure a stress-free travel experience from start to finish.

Things to Know About Baggage Allowance for Cheap Chandigarh to Lucknow Flights

When booking cheap flights from Chandigarh to Lucknow, it's essential to understand the baggage allowance policies to avoid any surprises at the airport. Here are some key things to know about baggage allowances for these flights:

  1. Check Airline Policies: Different airlines have varying baggage allowance policies, even for cheap flights. Before booking your ticket, check the specific baggage allowance rules of the airline you'll be flying with.
  2. Weight and Size Limits: Most airlines impose weight and size limits on both checked and carry-on baggage. Ensure your luggage complies with these limits to avoid excess baggage fees.
  3. Checked Baggage Fees: While some airlines include checked baggage in the ticket price, others may charge an additional fee. Be aware of any costs associated with checked luggage and factor them into your travel budget.
  4. Carry-On Restrictions: Pay attention to the restrictions on carry-on baggage, including size and weight limits and prohibited items. Pack your carry-on luggage accordingly to avoid any issues during security screening.
  5. Excess Baggage Fees: If your luggage exceeds the airline's baggage allowance, you may incur excess baggage fees. These fees can be steep, so it's best to pack within the designated limits or purchase additional baggage allowance in advance.
  6. Special Items: Certain items, such as sports equipment, musical instruments, or oversized luggage, may have specific handling requirements or additional fees. Check with the airline beforehand if you plan to travel with any special items.
  7. Baggage Drop-Off: Arrive at the airport early to allow sufficient time for baggage drop-off, especially if you're travelling with checked luggage. This helps avoid any last-minute rush and ensures a smooth check-in process.
  8. Use Cleartrip for Information: Cleartrip provides detailed information on baggage allowance policies for various airlines, making it easy to understand and compare. Check Cleartrip's website or mobile app for up-to-date information before your flight.

By familiarising yourself with these aspects of baggage allowance for cheap Chandigarh to Lucknow flights, you can ensure a stress-free travel experience and avoid any unexpected fees or issues related to luggage.

Your Guide to In-Flight Comfort: Cheap Chandigarh to Lucknow Flights

Travelling from Chandigarh to Lucknow on a budget doesn't mean sacrificing comfort. Here's your guide to ensuring a comfortable journey on cheap flights between these two cities:

  1. Choose a Comfortable Seat: While budget airlines may not offer as much legroom as premium carriers, you can still optimise your seating choice for comfort. Consider selecting an aisle seat for easier access to the restroom or a window seat for a better view and a quieter atmosphere.
  2. Pack Essentials: Bring along essential items to enhance your comfort during the flight. This may include a neck pillow, eye mask, earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones, and a cosy blanket or shawl to stay warm.
  3. Stay Hydrated: Airplane cabins can be dry, leading to discomfort and dehydration. Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the flight to stay hydrated. Consider bringing a refillable water bottle to fill up after passing through security.
  4. Dress Comfortably: Wear loose, breathable clothing and comfortable footwear to ensure ease of movement during the flight. Layering is crucial for adapting to changing temperatures onboard.
  5. Entertainment Options: Bring along entertainment options to keep yourself occupied during the flight. Load up your devices with movies, TV shows, music, or podcasts, or pack a book or magazine to enjoy during downtime.
  6. Snacks and Refreshments: While some budget airlines may offer snacks and refreshments for purchase, it's a good idea to bring along your snacks to satisfy hunger cravings during the flight. Choose lightweight, non-perishable options such as nuts, granola bars, or dried fruit.
  7. Stretch and Move: Combat stiffness and promote circulation by stretching and moving around the cabin periodically. Take short walks up and down the aisle or perform simple seated exercises to keep your body feeling limber.
  8. Relaxation Techniques: Practise relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or gentle stretching to help alleviate any travel-related stress or anxiety and promote a sense of calm during the flight.

By incorporating these tips into your travel routine, you can ensure a comfortable and enjoyable journey on cheap flights from Chandigarh to Lucknow. Remember to prioritise your comfort and well-being to make the most of your travel experience.

Cheap Chandigarh to Lucknow Flight Tickets

Cheap One-way and Round-Trip Flight Fare for Chandigarh to Lucknow Route

Cleartrip's user-friendly platform makes finding cheap one-way flights a breeze. Here's how to leverage their tools:

  • Filter for One-Way and Round-Trip Flights: On the Cleartrip search page, select "One-way" or “Round Trip” under the "Trip Type" option. This will ensure that you only see one-way fares for your Chandigarh to Lucknow trip.
  • Utilise the Price Calendar: Cleartrip's price calendar allows you to view fares for different dates within a chosen month. This helps you identify the most affordable days to fly on SpiceJet or any other airline.
  • Set Price Alerts: Want to avoid constantly monitoring prices? Cleartrip lets you set price alerts for your desired route. Enter your preferred price range, and Cleartrip will notify you if fares drop below that threshold.

Pro-Tips for One-Way and Round-Trip Flight Savings:

  • Consider Red-Eyes: Red-eye flights (departing late evening and arriving early morning) are often cheaper than flights during peak hours.
  • Be Flexible: Choose flexible travel dates. Weekdays and less popular travel times typically offer lower fares.

Budget-Friendly Things to See and Do in Lucknow

Exploring the vibrant capital city of India, Lucknow doesn't have to break the bank. Here's a guide to budget-friendly activities and attractions to make the most of your visit without overspending:

  1. Bara Imambara: This architectural marvel is a must-visit. The labyrinth known as the Bhool Bhulaiya inside is fascinating to explore. The entry fee is very nominal.
  2. Chota Imambara: Another architectural gem, it's adorned with intricate designs and chandeliers. Entry fees are low, and it's a peaceful place for a stroll.
  3. Rumi Darwaza: Known as the Turkish Gate, it's a symbol of Lucknow's architectural grandeur. You can marvel at its beauty and take pictures without spending anything.
  4. Hazratganj: This bustling market area is great for budget shopping and street food. You can explore local shops, try local delicacies, and soak in the city's vibe.
  5. Janeshwar Mishra Park: One of the largest parks in Asia, it offers a serene escape from the city bustle. Entry is free, and you can enjoy a leisurely walk or even a picnic.
  6. Dilkusha Kothi: This historical site offers a glimpse into Lucknow's colonial past. The entry fee is minimal, and you can explore the ruins and learn about its history.
  7. State Museum: Learn about Lucknow rich history and culture at the State Museum. Entry fees are affordable, and you can spend hours exploring the artefacts and exhibits.
  8. Riverfront Park (Gomti Riverfront): Enjoy a scenic walk along the riverfront without spending a dime. It's a great place to relax and enjoy the view.
  9. Street Food Exploration: Lucknow is famous for its street food. From kebabs to chaat, there's a wide variety to try without burning a hole in your pocket. A visit to Aminabad or Chowk area can be a gastronomic delight.
  10. Lucknow Residency: Explore the ruins of the British Residency, which has witnessed significant historical events. Entry fees are nominal, and you can immerse yourself in the city's history.

With these budget-friendly activities and attractions, you can explore the best of Lucknow without exceeding your travel budget. Plan your itinerary wisely and immerse yourself in the cultural richness and vibrant atmosphere of Lucknow.

Cheap and Cheerful: Things to See and Do in Chandigarh

Looking to explore Chandigarh on a budget? You're in luck! The vibrant city offers a plethora of affordable attractions and activities to keep you entertained without breaking the bank. Here's a guide to some budget-friendly experiences in Chandigarh:

  1. Rock Garden: Created by Nek Chand, this unique garden is made entirely of recycled materials such as broken bangles, tiles, and ceramic pots. Entry fees are minimal, and you can spend hours exploring the intricate sculptures and pathways.
  2. Sukhna Lake: Enjoy a stroll or a boat ride at Sukhna Lake, a serene oasis in the heart of Chandigarh. The entry to the lake is free, and you can relax by the waterfront and soak in the beautiful views.
  3. Rose Garden (Zakir Hussain Rose Garden): Admire the beauty of thousands of rose bushes in this expansive garden. Entry is free, and you can take a peaceful walk amidst the colourful blooms.
  4. Open Hand Monument: Symbolising the city's ethos of open-mindedness and generosity, this iconic monument is worth a visit. You can take pictures and marvel at its architectural significance without spending anything.
  5. Leisure Valley: Stretching from Rajendra Park to the Bougainvillea Garden, Leisure Valley offers lush greenery and walking paths. It's a great place for a morning jog or an evening stroll, and entry is free.
  6. Government Museum and Art Gallery: Explore the rich heritage of Chandigarh and beyond at this museum. Entry fees are nominal, and you can see a diverse collection of artefacts, sculptures, and artworks.
  7. Capitol Complex: Take a walk around the Capitol Complex, designed by renowned architect Le Corbusier. While entry to some buildings might require a fee, you can still appreciate the architectural brilliance from the outside.
  8. Sector 17 Plaza: Wander around Sector 17 Plaza, Chandigarh main shopping and commercial centre. While shopping might not be budget-friendly, you can enjoy window shopping, people-watching, and street performances.
  9. Cactus Garden: Located in Panchkula, just outside Chandigarh, this unique garden houses a vast collection of cacti and succulents. Entry is free, and you can explore the diverse range of desert plants.
  10. Street Food Exploration: Indulge in Chandigarh street food scene without spending much. From chole bhature to golgappas, there are plenty of affordable and delicious options to try in sectors like 22, 23, and 34.

With these budget-friendly activities and attractions, you can experience the best of Chandigarh without breaking the bank. So, pack your bags, grab your wallet, and get ready for an affordable and enjoyable adventure in the vibrant city of Chandigarh!

The price of a Chandigarh to Lucknow flight ticket varies between a minimum 3199 or up to ₹ 10015.

Note: Cleartrip Lowest Air Fares Calendar provides an indication of prices (per person) for a range of dates, so that you can see the cheapest air fares easily. The air fares you see here may not be available at the time you try and book.
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